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June 17, 2009

City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 17, 2009
5:00 pm

In Attendance:  Scott Weiseberg (Chair), Shawn Newton (Co-Chair), Jim Moskovis, Clare Ritchie, Conrad Prosnewski, Bonnie Weiss, Gypsy Ravish, Pat Libertie

Introduction & Hate Crime Reporting
The group introduced themselves to all present.  

Scott gave a brief recap of the group’s last meeting and discussed the goals and ideas the group would like to focus on for the coming year.  He also noted that he would like to specifically reach out to the school department and tap into their existing programs.  

The group had a discussion on hate crimes and asked Conrad if there have been any recent hate crime activity in Salem.  Conrad said there has not been a recent hate crime in Salem and has relatively low hate crime statistics.  He believes this may be due to the fact that Salem has always been a diverse City and from a young age the City’s students learn about tolerance and respect for other cultures.  He said the City Police Department reports hate crime stats (as well as all other criminal stats) to the federal government each year.  Bonnie thought it would be a good idea to do an editorial in the local paper about Salem’s low hate crime stats.  This will help to get the word out about the No place for Hate Committee and will also let people know that the group can serve as an avenue for people who want to discuss hate crimes.  Conrad mentioned that in order for a hate crime to happen, a crime must first happen, then the reporting officer(s) must determine if the motive for the crime had a racial or prejudicial bias – than making it a hate crime.  

Scott had noted the event which took place in Washington DC only a couple weeks ago.  Scott said he will outreach to Representative John Keenan’s Office as well as Congressman Tierney’s Office to first let them know about the No Place for Hate Committee and to see if there may be any funding opportunities available for the group.  

Conrad also noted that the Attorney General’s Office has a hate crimes task force and he will bring more information to the groups following meeting.       

Principle of Respect (Schools)
Scott mentioned that he has reached out to the schools, including Gail Garrett, but has yet to hear back.  He mentioned the School’s do currently have a respect program.  Scott will invite Gail to the groups next meeting to discuss the programs at Salem High School.  

Tom will contact the ADL to see if there are any programs/funding they may be able to offer the group.  

Shawn will also look to see what the college can offer in regards to outreach programs for students in the Salem School system.  

Holocaust Memorial
The group discussed some potential locations for Holocaust Memorial in Salem.  Both the new Peabody Street Park (currently being developed) and the Harbor Walkway (which will connect the downtown with the City’s Point neighborhood and lead into the Peabody Street Park) were agreed upon as good locations.  Jim said that cost for the Memorial should not be a factor  - once cost estimates for design and construction come in the group could hold fundraisers and seek match grant funding from the ADL for the Memorial.  The idea of even having an arched gateway at the end of the HarborWalk leading into the Park was discussed as an idea for the Memorial.  Tom will get the design plans for the HarborWalk and Peabody Street Park from the City’s Planning Department and will contact Scott once he receives them.    

Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 7th at 5:30 pm  

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.  
Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins